7 Ways SEO Makes You Better at Life, Relationships and More

“We started out to get a computer in the hands of everyday people, and we succeeded beyond our wildest dreams.”-Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs’ overall vision of an affordable and functional “computer for all of us” sparked an entire computer revolution and made Apple an icon of American business. However, somewhere along the way, Jobs’ vision became somewhat clouded – some say because of his ego – and as a result he was forced out of the company he helped found. Very few people agree that Jobs actually deliberately hindered the growth of Apple’s stock, but it is no secret that without him the company lost its sense of direction and pioneering spirit. After almost 10 years of falling sales, Apple turned to its visionary founder for help, and it was then that the almost forgotten, slightly older and wiser Jobs made one of the most amazing turnarounds in the 20th century.

The visionary of the Apple computer company was born in San Francisco, California and raised in Los Altos, his father Paul Jobs and mother Clara Jobs were adopted. As the son of a Coast Guard mechanic, Steve Jobs showed an early interest in electronics and gadgets. In high school, he boldly called Hewlett-Packard co-founder and president William Hewlett to ask for parts for a school project. Impressed with Jobs, Hewlett not only gave him the details, but also offered him a summer internship at Hewlett-Packard. It was there that Jobs met and befriended Steve Wozniak, a young engineer five years his senior who had a knack for tinkering. Almost immediately they hit it off and together developed and later sold a “blue box” that manipulated telephone networks for free long distance calls.

After high school, Steve enrolled at Reed College in Portland, Oregon. However, the guy did not like studying at all, and a month later he leaves the university and “revives” his long-standing fascination with Eastern spiritualism, a little later Jobs begins to work part-time as a video game developer for the giant machine in the video game market, the iconic company Atari, in order to finance a trip to India to study Eastern culture and religion. “Steve was challenging but valuable,” Atari co-founder Nolan Bushnell once told the San Jose Mercury News. He was definitely the smartest guy in the room, but he rarely let people know it.” By not showering for days and constantly criticizing his colleagues, Jobs alienated so many colleagues that Bushnell forced Jobs to work the night shift so as not to interact with other employees.
When Jobs returned to the United States, he immediately renewed his friendship with Wozniak, who was already trying to create a small portable computer. In fact, it was nothing more than a hobby for Wozniak, but the visionary Jobs realized the marketing potential of such a device and convinced Wozniak to go into business with him. In 1975, 20-year-old Jobs and Wozniak opened their first workshop in the garage of Jobs’ parents, named the company Apple and began working on the Apple I prototype. They regularly attended meetings of the Homebrew computer club, which helped them design, develop and market their first Apple product.

However, the financial situation of both enthusiasts left much to be desired, money was sometimes simply catastrophic. To get the 1350 USD they used to found Apple, Steve Jobs sold his Volkswagen minibus and Steve Wozniak sold his Hewlett-Packard calculator.
Although the Apple I was sold mainly to tech enthusiasts, hobbyists, it brought in enough money to allow Jobs and Wozniak to improve and refine all their designs. In 1977 they introduced the Apple II – and this moment is truly a historic event. It was not just a portable computer, it was a full-fledged first personal computer with color graphics and keyboard. Designed for beginners, the easy-to-use Apple II was a huge success, disrupting Silicon Valley and ushering in the era of personal computers. First year sales exceeded $3 million. Two years later, sales grew to $200 million.

The fact is that the biography of Job is a clear example of successful and high-quality work of any complex SEO system.
Jobs is a perfect example of a man who, despite everything, confidently goes to his goal.
Jobs is the perfect example to highlight the holistic system of SEO.
The first means the best.

Always check any of your assumptions

When you plan to create your own website, you use all the resources and methods available to you, but some methods have concrete proof of their effectiveness, while others require a little more time, effort and visual testing. How nice it would be to live if you could predict every problem or opportunity with incredible accuracy, wouldn’t it? In this case, no one would have any problems with becoming rich and successful, building a villa for several million dollars or buying a dream car. However, people often forget that only through trial and error you can learn how this or that thing works in reality.

A/B testing, launching trial projects and other methods are very helpful in determining whether something will work on your site, it is with this that you can significantly minimize the risks. Because without knowing the intricacies even without these tests, your assumptions can lead to trouble. If you invest too much money in a new strategy or advertising technique that does not work, you may not develop, but on the contrary in the shortest possible time to bankrupt your business.

In life we have to check our assumptions every day. Quitting a job, buying a new house, starting a new business and other life actions are associated with a certain level of risk that arises from our conscious or unconscious choices. You can never eliminate all risks or always know how things will turn out, but you can exercise caution, prepare and learn as much as you can before taking the leap.

Rule number two – the more you give – the more you get.

When you start or plan to start any business of your own, you often feel like you will spend a lifetime before you finally get the desired result, whether it is a well-paid advertisement or the first few hundred views of your new website. Recently, I was faced with a situation where I was reminded for the first time of an experience when watching a small business that a friend of mine was building as his own little empire inside a huge metropolis of other ideas and businesses. At first everything went too easily, immediately after the launch of the business, visitors began to rush to the site by the hundreds, the site was immediately in the top of the search results for the key search queries, but then everything changed. People not only stopped visiting the site, but it completely disappeared from the search results page. What is the problem you ask? Perhaps the product has lost its relevance among the masses, or the site optimization has deteriorated over time7
Actually, no.
When no one is engaged in a site for a long time, without investing any resources in it – it means only one thing: the inevitable death of the same site.

Third, failure is good. Experience is priceless.

No smart person ever starts a business with the goal of failing, or the financial collapse of the entire business model. You invest in a new website not only material resources, but also your time and your efforts, which ultimately lead to the desired results, building your own business, no matter how big or small it is, you research everything, create content and wait for good news. We do this and hope that everything we do will eventually work and your investment of time and energy will pay off.

Statistics confidently tells us that most startups fail during the first year, and fall apart due to differences in the views of the team, or because of financial problems and improper monitoring policies. That is why anyone who wants to do business must first learn the basic principles of successful SEO, and it takes time to master all this information. However, just understanding SEO is not enough, our main goal is to find out how to find the right niche audience that is interested in what you do and is always ready to pay for your product or service.

Are there any guarantees that it will pay for itself in two or three times? Unfortunately, no. Perhaps, given all the burdens and difficulties, you will have to create a new or restart the existing business model, or you may have to remove some of your content on the site, change the principles of trade or better analyze the demand for the product, which is often not enough for the average buyer.I have my own SEO agency SipkoSeo, which is successfully growing and developing every day.

However, my path was also long and moderately thorny. Being still young, I first learned the hard way about SEO-optimization of sites, quality keyword stuffing and other technical details. Although I would never want to fail in implementing my ideas, ultimately it was these failures that taught me how to successfully implement proper SEO techniques in my projects. More importantly, it helped me to understand that most achievements are made only after a few failures along the way.

Accept, analyze and try to accept the changes.

Some people say that only death and taxes are certain, but if I were ever asked what else I would add to that list, the first thing that would come to my mind would be change. In fact, human psychology is such that the only thing you can be one hundred percent sure of, or not sure of at all, is change. From the moment you were born, the world around you grew like a huge anthill, swallowing all the smaller anthills, it is constantly changing, making the globe spin around you, and it – around you, as you live, constantly learning and developing, sometimes without even noticing it.

Life is like a long field. On the Internet – everything is the same. The World Wide Web is constantly changing, whether you want it to or not. So if you want your super successful SEO strategy to continue to thrive, sooner or later you will have to adapt to the new changes and innovations of the technological world.

According to one Hindu teaching, if you want to achieve greatness in any business or find happiness in life, you have to go with the flow, submitting your will to factors that sometimes do not depend on it. It doesn’t matter if you are going to get a promotion in your favorite job or just started a new relationship with the hope that it is the love of your life, you have to accept the changes that from time to time remove the scenario of your life, or get used to failures, accept and stay behind.

Forget about what your weak will imposes on you. Focus on the main thing.

Quality SEO is success not only in the development of small business, but also personal development. When I was not yet the founder of SipkoSeo, and just started my immersion in the world of this wonderful cyber science, I, like most beginners, faced many problems, one of which was that when studying SEO superficially, people often pay too much attention to the little things that are not worth it. Everything you have should be used wisely, analyzing both the internal situation and the external market, experience can not be bought for any currency in the world, and you have as much time as you want.

In my homeland there is a good saying: any well runs out of water. By spending most of your precious resources you will end up spending all your limited resources if you try to focus on everything at once. While most people believe that basic practices are important, instead of spending all your time responding to comments and branching out your site’s rating system or tweaking your signature, the best thing you can do is to start creating great content, actively researching effective keywords and building your strategies that will lead you to the formula for success in the long run.

In the life of each of us, the same thing actually happens. It seems that we spend every day constantly busy with meetings with people who really don’t deserve a bit of our attention, we load ourselves with useless work and errands for which we are then responsible. Resorting to such a strategy, we soon completely lose sight of important things and get lost in trifles, as small children get lost in a new environment.

Therefore, my recommendation to you: be like SipkoSEO specialists – discharge your own desires and time correctly, and instead of watching life pass by us, accept it and plunge into it with your head. Isn’t it true that it is our passions in life that matter most? Regardless of whether your passion lies in a relationship with a loved one, or in a hard work that brings you pleasure, put aside all unimportant things for later and devote yourself to the main idea, and train yourself not to be distracted by unimportant things.

Seneca said that the main rule of a true stoic is that he will never worry about things that are beyond his control. Worry is pointless when it is not appropriate. Having recently rewatched the movie “Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them” I noticed one interesting detail – the main character Newt Scamander says that his philosophy is that “worrying, you suffer twice”.

While you are developing – you have to be prepared for the fact that there are things that will not pay for themselves.

You can do an enormous amount to develop your website and it will not be beneficial, but rather cause gaps in your seemingly perfect business model, but only when you run a website long enough to understand such things, you begin to realize that even a bad result is worth all the effort. SEO is a marathon, which is difficult only at the beginning, when it is important to properly distribute the weight and get off the ground as lightning fast as a sprinter in the Olympics. However, after going through these temporary difficulties, once you create the perfect SEO plan and put it into action, there comes a time when all you have to do is just sit back and see what happens. Imagine that you have already done everything and you got what you wanted. Life is already so complicated that there is no point in worrying about factors that you cannot control.

You should also remember that there will always be competitors who will try to target the same keywords or lure your customers to them, justifying it in any way. You will always have to deal with regular algorithm updates that change the position of your site in the SERPs and top queries. Excessive worrying about all these things will make you sleepless and anxious.

And here we see the synthesis of SEO with another aspect of your personal life – sometimes, all you need to do is to assure yourself that there is no point in worrying about what might happen while you are still dealing with everything in the present, not remembering the past and not looking far into the future through the prism of illusory expectations. Do you like to keep everything under control? Do you like to make plans, writing down goals in a notebook or notes? Try to plan the best possible future, let go of all expectations and let it take care of itself.

A great team makes the difference.

Hard work and attentiveness are certainly good character traits, but sometimes in our lives there are situations that provoke problems that can only be solved together with someone. A strong SEO team working together is the key to success. Perhaps for some non-persistent citizens this fact will be difficult to accept, but no one can do everything perfectly, while working, thinking, analyzing and developing everything on their own. Even the most talented people have to sleep at some point. While the advantage is your business, which can work around the clock without any problems, you can not stay awake and force yourself and your body to work forever.

Business development is not easy, especially when it comes to SEO, in which case you need a strong team, otherwise you will never have the opportunity to sleep and live your life. Although most people think that their productivity is influenced by their team involvement at work and at sporting events, your teamwork outside of social settings, namely at home, is also of great importance. Your family and friends are your stable support system in good times and bad.

If you don’t have a strong team at home or in your life, it makes the challenges you face at work that much more difficult. As you grow, not only take, but give, don’t forget to support your team in return. If you have a great team, good coworkers, a friendly environment outside the home, and a family waiting for you for a warm dinner, make it a point to reciprocate their support and encouragement for what you do. This will encourage them to continue to build on their efforts while showing your appreciation for their support.


The modern world is a time capsule in which the thoughts of the greatest minds of all mankind are collected, sadly, too many people forgetting about this spend years learning new skills and gaining knowledge for their professional activities, which they do not really even like. Because they spend so much time learning the social ropes that can be pulled at the appropriate moment they rarely realize what their job is teaching them in return.

If you take a second to look around, stop, think, and pay attention to the things you’ve always considered useless and overlooked, your career may teach you a lesson that will change your life forever. Search engine optimization is a tool that we use for our work, but it is also a very convenient way to look at the world from a different perspective. Valuable lessons are all around us, but we don’t always take the time to look around and notice them. Looking back, I realize that I never set out to learn any life lessons from SEO, I still unnoticed for myself took a few things along the way, without even realizing it in general.

So, if you really want to succeed – remember to what extent and in what way Jobs not only developed his own unique idea, ensuring a peaceful life for himself until the end of his days, but also turned the global business industry upside down.
Look around and teach yourself to notice how many wonderful opportunities and things surround you. And remember, a great desire and a lot of efforts are only half of the success of your business plan, the second half is the quickly and qualitatively performed work that SipkoSEO undertakes for you